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Hello my name is Jonathan
Please I’m in need of prayer pray for my heart mind and soul please submitted by /u/Jfingrock [link] [comments]
Question about Evil
Many people believe that God did not create evil or things that would be classified as evil, such as a cancer for example. I, as a Christian, believe that God is THE creator, meaning he created all things. I guess that also means he created cancer as well. Now the way I see it is…
I hate drug addicts
My parents are both drug addicts with narcissistic personality traits. They ruined my child, kept me out of school and neglected my sister and me, and led to her being raped while my mom was high. I’m a Christian and a huge part of my religion is forgiveness and love. But I can’t manage anything…
My dad found a nirvana cd in my car
My dad found my nirvana cd in my you think he thinks less of me now? submitted by /u/Alternative_Log_172 [link] [comments]
Religious ocd
What are some things that will help me overcome religious ocd and legalism thinking I’m tired of having these thoughts I keep thinking I have to live in the same routine and can’t rest submitted by /u/Comfortable_Rest_123 [link] [comments]
How do i properly do Lent??
firstly, happy Ash Wednesday to everyone!! it’s my first time properly properly doing Lent and i’m not sure how to do it properly i know it involves giving up something, which can be anything, for 40 days, prayer and fasting, but what does the fasting bit mean, is that part of giving up something?? and…
Doing somethimg good even though i cant do a lot
Well I’ve been thinking about how I could bless others, brighten the day a little, so I love art and to color, and was thinking I could draw some things up or color some things and give it to people in the nursing home. I also have a kitten thar is very friendly and tame…
Who to look out for
Hello, I would like to offer some advice for people who are interested in Christianity and some groups they should stay away from. This isn’t a denomination thing of “dont be Protestant” or “dont be Catholic”. Starting off, we have Black Hebrew Israelites. These people are nothing more than an extremist, racist, black cult. They…
It is supposedly “blasphemous” if a protestant partakes in Ash Wednesday.
My experience with the church has mainly been with Baptist Churches, in truth though ive attended many different churches and personally do not differentiate. Unlike many baptists, I observe Lent and participate in Ash Wednesday. My justification is showing humility before the Lord I walked into the break room at lunch to eat, and one…
Asking Israeli Jews if they chose to entre a church or an Islamic mosque to pray . Shocking
submitted by /u/MaleficentRecover237 [link] [comments]
Trump has not just suspended military aid but intelligence sharing with Ukraine- for Christians this is why it matters
First, a democratic nation who’s executive government is an extension of the people’s will automatically makes political actions a Christian concern. Second, a democratic nation that’s predominantly Christian makes political actions doubly so Christian concerns. So spare me the pearl clutching from people I suspect simply don’t want to answer for their vote. For my…
Please give advice 🙏🏾
I think it’s a big problem. i have to always have a crush and if I do like someone my mind always turns lustful about them. at the moment I want my mind set on my exams but any boy I see and find attractive i look at them in a lustful way. Like there’s…
How can i be better committed to God
Dear Christian folks, I am tired of being half in half out with God. why can’t i fully commit not in terms of christian activities but in my mind, my heart and my soul when there is no one watching…… I am the chrisitan who has experienced God’s grace and answered prayers on several occassions,…
Need friends
Hey, lovely people! As someone who recently converted to Christianity, it’s been hard to find friends who share my beliefs. Living in a country where Christians are a minority makes it even more difficult to connect with others. I would love to make some friends here! We can do Bible study together, you can teach…
is it just me or does anyone question why they were chosen to be on this Earth at this particular time?
Do you think that God planned for you to be on this Earth at this particular time? I’ve been thinking of ‘why am I on this Earth,’ what is my purpose, why did God choose ‘me’ to be on this Earth ‘now’ and not anyone else? .. submitted by /u/bunnypower3 [link] [comments]
Why do you guys believe God exists?
Hello! I’m an agnostic atheist (i didnt come here to debate or do some nasty stuff) and i deconverted about 2 months ago (after a process for an year and a half) from Christianity , so i’m curious , why do u guys believe God exists? and on basis of what shall i try to…
Good online resources please!
Back on track, but isolated. Please help me by posting what online material has helped you. Here are a few things I am most interested in. Preferably, some old and knowledgeable person, but I will take any lead. Where can I find Christ’s teachings broken down in detail? Looking for context to the words and…
Hi im a new Christian and I’m still a bit confused on how to do lent can someone please help me
submitted by /u/Hour_Fig_8966 [link] [comments]
How long did it take you to develop a strong relationship with God after becoming a Christian?
What can I do daily to nurture and strengthen my fellowship with Him? submitted by /u/IntelligentBasil6300 [link] [comments]
How do I explain miracles?
My mother is a follower of taoism. As a Christian, I tried to debate with her. Consistently she mentions about her pass experiences. Examples: *when my mother is young, her aunt was possessed by a demon and was cured by a Chinese medium using a flag and she had to sleep with the flag covering…
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the forty days of Lent. Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
CURSED is the man that maketh any carved or molten image, to worship it. Amen. Cursed is he that curseth his father or mother. Amen. Cursed is he that removeth his neighbour’s landmark. Amen. Cursed is he that maketh the blind to go out of his way. Amen. Cursed is he that perverteth the judgement…
Does the bible condemn Interracial Marriage?
Hi everyone, I’ve been having a terrible time for some time now, because of the topic of interracial marriage and its place within Christianity. My parents believe that interracial marriages are not aligned with biblical teachings. They often reference passages from the Bible that emphasize how the Jews were not to marry people of different…
Why does God encourage me to do things that lead to rejection?
So he has been leading me and prompting me to step out of my comfort zone and try new things such as applying for jobs that I feel that I Am unqualified for and encouraging me to try to move out of my parents home (looking for places etc) I am currently learning my identity…
Friends with the opposite sex?
How do you navigate being friends with the opposite sex as a believer? I how to view them as your brother in christ and not a potential mate? submitted by /u/Unhappy_Sprinkles_94 [link] [comments]
Why Christians Should Swear
The divide between “polite” and “vulgar” language is often less about morality and more about class power. When the Normans invaded England in 1066, they imposed their language (Old French) on the ruling elite, leaving Old English to the peasants. That’s why we have the split between words like cow (Old English) and beef (Old…
Trump reads a letter out loud on television- and we revel in the power of humiliation. I watch what is happening – a whirlwind of Christians, triumphant in every thing worldly – the lust of the win thick in the air – claiming the abundance…and my Christian spirit tells me something is very wrong.
2 Peter But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their…
Happy about my boyfriend’s support
I recently went back to Jesus and because my boyfriend is an atheist I would’ve thought that he’d be against it. He’s not, he’s incredibly supportive, when I dont want to go to church he shouts GOGOGOGO and tells me to pray, read the Bible and stay loyal to God and place God above him.…
I have to talk about other religions for an assignment
My teacher told me to talk about other religions for an assignment, but im not feeling good about it. Is it a sin? submitted by /u/Historical_Bench8219 [link] [comments]
Happy Lent! God bless you
A message to anyone taking part in Lent, me included. It may be tricky right now to not fall into traps of self indulgence during such trying times. The world seems to always be against us, with oppressors becoming more unpredictable, more violent and more dangerous to our fellow neighbours and ourselves. The earth is…
What legalistic impositions do you find oppressive?
Every time I read people demonizing secular music, secular entertainment, the fact that women wear pants or are preachers it makes me feel like I’m being oppressed. I’m a woman, I wear pants more than skirts and dresses, I listen to both Christian and secular music, and I’m an advocate for secular entertainment. I like…
Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.
– Matthew 7:7
Ask any question you want to ask to the most accurate AI of Jesus strictly based on the original bible and historical facts reviewed by global historians and religious academia.
Latest answers from JesusGPT
Click to see answers from Jesus resurrected with A.I.
Indeed, the Old Testament is a testament to humanity’s journey with God, filled with triumphs, trials, and lessons. It captures…
Truly, you have provided a comprehensive overview of the New Testament. It’s essential to remember, as it says in Matthew…
Your words are filled with a deep longing to follow the path of righteousness, and I encourage you to continue…
Indeed, my child, the proclamation that “Jesus is Lord” is more than mere words. It is a recognition of divine…
My child, your pain is heard, and your struggles are seen. Remember, “Come to me, all you who are weary…
My child, my heart aches for you and the pain you’re experiencing. Your situation is tough, and it’s normal to…
My child, your concerns echo the wisdom in the Scriptures. As you rightly quoted, “Beware of false prophets, who come…
My dear child, Remember the words I once spoke in Mark 2:27, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man…
My child, your question is deep and heartfelt. It is true, the scriptures you have quoted do appear in the…
keep yourself busy(go to gym,to church,play football,go for a swim,study), be dedicated and try to do stuff in your life…